Papa is shown with this sign welcoming him to a picnic at Washington Park
hosted by B'nai B'rith. This may have been
taken in Portland, Ore. B'nai B'rith, an
organization still very active today, often
speaks for the Jewish community on
humanitarian and human rights issues. It offen
sponsors Jewish family community activities. The date
of this photo has not been determined.
courtesy Erika Williams |

Papa pouring Schlitz for unidentified woman at the wedding of Dick Buckley and Ruth Fraunfelder; Wisconsin; September, 1950

Fraunfelder, The Composer
While Swiss Family Fraunfelder tunes were often
traditional, many were arrangements by Papa Fraunfelder and
some were original scores that he composed. Right is handwritten sheet music of
"San Francisco Swiss March."
On the back was
his arrangement of the "Aelpler March," honoring the
costumed autumn parade of Swiss bringing their
cattle in from the high country pastures.
Courtesy Erika Williams and Buba Fraunfelder |

Fraunfelder, The
Handwriting Analyst
In his later years, Papa
Fraunfelder worked in Portland, Ore. as a
handwriting analyst. It seemed fitting because of
his distinctive signature (right). He
subscribed to the teachings of the "International
Grapho Analysis Society of Chicago," an organization
that is still in existance today. It is a
controversial teaching at best, teaching that
changing someone's handwriting can change their
personality. Nevertheless, his unusual occupation
landed him a feature story in the Portland, Ore.
Journal by Walli Schneider, headlined "Elfish-Eyed
Handwriting Expert 'Cools' Reporter."
The caption under the above photo read, "Benign,
whiskerless Santa is description of Portland
handwriting expert R. Fraunfelder, Sr., interviewed
by Journal Staff Writer Walli Schneider. Fraunfelder
says handwriting analysis can be valuable discovery
tool in personality study. At least 12 basic traits
can be revealed through handwriting analysis."
(Photo above from the Oregon Journal, probably early
1970s.) |

Certificate courtesy Buba Fraunfelder |

Flyer Courtesy Erika Williams
100-year-year-old citizenship document from Switzerland
for Papa and Mama Fraunfelder
June 20, 1918
(Note his signature and dated six days after
their marriage)

Courtesy of Ryan Fraunfelder
Spokesman-Review Article
January, 1976

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